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Invasive plants?

See ya later…


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The Extractigator is a quality hand tool for removing unwanted plants The Extractigator is a mechanical tree removal tool The Extractigator works great at removing Alder Trees The Extractigator is works great with removing unwanted brush The Extractigator works great with removing Honeysuckle The Extractigator works great with removing Privet

When you lift the Extractigator up by the handle, the jaws automatically open...

Move the Extractigator so the jaws are around the base of the tree or shrub...

Use your body weight to push the handle down...

and the plant is uprooted!!

Pictures are shown with The Extractigator removing trees and shrubs with a 1" diameter.

Simple steps to remove the tree in 3 seconds!

Another example…

The Extractigator works great with removing Daphne laureola The Extractigator works great with removing elaeagnus The Extractigator works great with removing Giant Hogweed

From a standing position…

Place the Extractigator around the plant…

The Extractigator works great with removing Garlic Mustard The Extractigator works great with removing Gorse The Extractigator works great at removing Hackberry

Use your body weight to push the handle down…

And the plant is uprooted!

The fastest, easiest tree puller available!

The Extractigator works great with removing Holly The Extractigator works great with removing Japanese Barberry The Extractigator works great with removing Japanese Knotweed

Place around…

Push down…

And it’s out of the ground!

The Extractigator tree puller works great with removing trees The Extractigator works great with removing buckthorn The Extractigator works great with removing scotch broom The Extractigator works great with removing French Broom The Extractigator works great with removing invasive plants The Extractigator works great with extracting trees The Extractigator works great with uprooting trees

See it in Action… Step by step example…

Click picture to start slide show

The Extractigator is no comparison to other products, simply a better design The Extractigator works great at removing trees that were cut at ground level The Extractigator works great with removing weeds The Extractigator works great at removing stakes from the ground The Extractigator works great with removing Burdock The Extractigator works great with removing black walnut The Extractigator works great with removing blueweed The Extractigator works great with removing boxwood The Extractigator works great with removing cherry The Extractigator works great with removing Chinese Elm The Extractigator works great with removing choke cherry The Extractigator works great with removing crepe myrtle

Here’s a tip…

Click picture to start slide show

Say you’ve gone and cut the brush or trees down with a brush cutter or loppers… right at ground level.  Here’s how to use the Extractigator to remove the roots of the plant.  That’s ground level extracting with the Extractigator!

The Extractigator works great at removing hickory

The Extractigator is the only tree pulling device with the feature of automatically opening jaws!

You don't have to get down on your hands and knees to place it around the plant to pull!

Once the tree is pulled out, you're ready for the next one!